lundi 5 mai 2014

Der amerikanische freund

If you hate lazy fuckers backpacking around Europe like it's the ultimate trip, trying to pronounce local names with an unbearably lousy accent and being all offended at the fact that not everyone is understanding their stupid gibber-jabberish sort of english, this movie is (kind of) for you. 

Two friends set out to go on a round-the-globe trip and, of course, to document everything (like it's really an original and never-done-before kind of thing). Unfortunately, after getting laid in Paris (that's apparently all we do down here: getting drunk, having philosophical conversations about life and drinking wine late in the night; sure, we never work or do anything that's useful) one of them become sick. Got what was coming, I reckon. So he starts to do strange stuffs: some cool (like jumping super-high and breaking rocks, though I fail to see the use for that except in Europe, where we don't do shit anyway) some weird (puking like on a permanent springbreak binge) and some downright uncool ( burning in the sun and having his eyes poping out of his head). 

Instead of going to a doctor (dude! free healthcare!) they draw the conclusion that he's simply turning into a supernatural creature (I'm not gonna say which one, so as not to spoil eventual future viewers suprise). From that point, it pretty much degenerates into a kind of horror road-trip back to Paris with a super violent ending.

No, but seriously, I like to tease and deprecate my fellow Lonely Planet people, but it's just tough love. Same goes for the movie: it's actually not bad, and the hand-held camera which can be so annoying in the genre doesn't go overboard. Some of the nightvision shots are really creepy and the transformation process is extremely well put. There's even a bit of ontological questioning at the end (between two frantic slaughters). Not bad at all.

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